Fix and Insulate Drafty, Energy-Sucking Windows for Good
In DIY RepairQuick, affordable ways to address those annoying drafty windows now, plus some ideas for the long term.
Drafty windows. Unsealed attics. Even the wall holes around plumbing lines. There are a whole lotta places where your heated or cooled air could be doing a Houdini right out of your home. And you know what that means: bigger utility bills. HouseLogic’s air leaks & insulation section, including an attic insulation guide, helps you keep the good stuff inside.
Try cleaning your light fixtures. Amazing how much brighter things look.
When weather stripping on doors and windows gets worn out, cold air comes sneaking in. Here’s how to replace weather stripping and stop air leaks.
Inspect windows and doors regularly to stop air and water leaks that mean costly energy and repair bills. We’ll show you how.
You’ll need a pro for spray foam insulation, but you can DIY most other home insulation types for extra savings.
Quick, affordable ways to address those annoying drafty windows now, plus some ideas for the long term.
Garage door insulation cuts energy bills and street noise. Here’s how to insulate your garage door yourself.
There’s a gap in your home that’s wasting precious energy and inviting cold air inside — do you know where it is?
There’s a right way and a wrong way to install crawl space insulation, depending on where you live. Do you know the difference? We do — read on!
Seal air leaks around your windows and doors to prevent wasting precious home heating and cooling energy that costs you money.
Electrical outlets, pipes, and light fixtures are examples of where you’ll find air leaks.