How Much Does Professional Mold Removal Cost?

Not all mold experts are equal. We explain how to find reputable mold remediation experts and inspectors.

Mold on an interior wall of a home
Image: HandmadePictures/iStockphoto

When you find mold growing in your home, sound the alarm and get rid of it fast. Delay can mean extensive and costly remediation and repairs. On average, professional mold remediation costs $500 to $6,000 -- but the price can soar into the tens of thousands if the problem is severe. 

Here’s what you need to know about hiring professional mold inspectors and remediation companies.

Hire a Mold Inspector First

If you find mold growing on drywall, trim, or unfinished wood surfaces, and especially if the affected area is more than 10 square feet, hire a mold investigator to discover the root and extent of the problem. They’ll also be able to direct you to a reliable mold remediation company. Reputable companies work with third-party inspectors instead of doing the inspection themselves. 

When you look for an inspector, be sure to check credentials. The mold industry is largely unregulated, but guidelines can help you know when you’re hiring a true professional. Consider these criteria:

  • They should have respected industry credentials, such as CIH (Certified Industrial Hygienist) or CIEC (Council-certified Indoor Environmental Consultant).
  • They should work independently of a mold remediation company (reputable remediation companies hire a third-party inspector) and shouldn’t sell mold-related products.
  • They should provide a customized report that includes lab results of air or surface samples taken.
  • They shouldn’t characterize one species of mold as more dangerous than another.
  • They should tell you whether a mold problem has a DIY solution or whether you must hire a professional mold remediation expert.

Expect to spend $200 to $600 for a site visit from a qualified inspector, which will take two to five hours. The inspector will take air samples and may open up walls to find mold.

Ins and Outs of Air Sampling

Analyzing air samples isn’t cheap, and depending on the lab used, it can cost $30 to $150 per sample. Some inspectors roll sampling into their base price, and others don’t. So make sure you ask.

Not every mold issue requires sampling. If you can see mold, sampling is necessary only if you must identify the actual mold species for medical or legal reasons. However, if you think mold is present but can’t actually see it, samples can confirm your suspicions. Also, sampling typically is used after cleanup to verify success.

Ask inspectors to explain why they’re taking samples and what hypotheses they’re trying to confirm.

If the cleanup is simple enough to perform yourself, a mold inspector can advise you on procedures, protective equipment, and tools. The inspector should also be able to pinpoint the moisture issue that led to the mold problem so that you can correct it.

Warning: Don’t even think about diagnosing your mold problems with a home testing kit. They don’t work. They’ll probably reveal some mold, but only because spores are always flying through the air. These kits can’t:

  • Guarantee a statistically significant sample of air.
  • Confirm the presence of dead mold spores (which also cause health problems).
  • Determine baseline levels of mold in your home in order to compare results with other non-mold-infected areas.

What A Mold Remediation Professional Will Do

Mold remediation companies will clean up your mold in a few days if just some washing and removing carpet are involved, or in a few weeks if demolition and rebuilding are required.

Generally, the cleanup process entails:

  • Removing water-damaged, mold-infested materials
  • Cleaning and disinfecting walls, carpet, and personal items
  • Removing drywall and studs if mold damage is extensive
  • Vacuuming with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration

If mold infestation is severe and you are mold-sensitive, you may have to live elsewhere during cleanup.

Remediation costs vary depending on how much and where mold exists. Figure on:

  • $500 to $4,000 to remove mold from crawlspaces only
  • $2,000 to $6,000 to remove mold from ducts, crawl spaces, walls, and attics
  • $10,000 to $30,000 (or more) to repair widespread structural damage

“Mold remediation isn’t about 'kill, kill, kill,'” says Wane A. Baker, a Wisconsin mold investigator. “Even dead mold can still be allergenic.”

Does Insurance Cover Mold Remediation?

Don’t presume your homeowners insurance will pay to fix your mold problems. Insurance typically pays if the problem results from an emergency already covered on your policy, like a burst pipe, but not if mold resulted from deferred maintenance, persistent moisture or seepage, or from floodwaters (unless you have flood insurance).

Check with your insurance agent to see if your particular mold problem is covered.


Karin Beuerlein
Karin Beuerlein

Karin Beuerlein has covered home improvement and green living topics for,, and She has also written for dozens of national and regional publications in more than a decade of freelancing.